- HIPAA Risk Analysis & Mitigation Methodologies based on Data security industry best practices
- Protect Your Clients & Your Business Not just for HIPAA complianceBut because it is the right thing to do
- Data Risk Management requires all hands on deck It is easier if you develop a culture of data security We can help
Welcome to Data Risk Management LLC!
“My office computers won’t get hacked.”
“My employees won’t mishandle patient data.”
“I’m too small to be audited for HIPAA data security compliance.”
“Data security and compliance are too expensive.”
Sound familiar? Many Doctors and their business associates believe these statements. The problem is they’re wrong. Data thieves target medical and dental offices because they are “low hanging fruit” and stolen patient data has a high value on the black market. Staff members handle patient data every day and they are certainly capable of human error. There are many triggers for a HIPAA audit, and audits aren’t reserved for large covered entities. Good data security and compliance can be achieved for a fraction of the cost of a breach or an audit.
A false sense of security is far more dangerous
than a real sense of insecurity.
DRM is a professional data security consulting firm specializing in the Healthcare field. We help medical and dental offices and their business associates safeguard Protected Health Information (PHI) as required under Federal Law (HIPAA & HITECH). Everything has changed recently: more electronic patient data, more threats to that data, more regulatory rules, greater fines for non-compliance, increased auditing, and increased litigation for data breaches. We have the tools, knowledge, and experience to help you protect sensitive data and your business in a cost-effective manner.
When will you call us?
We can sort our clients into three categories depending on when they call us. Many call us long before they hit the wall. Some wait until they are about to hit it. A few wait until they have already hit the wall. The “wall” is a breach of patient data, a lawsuit, or a HIPAA audit. Of course, we can help in all of these scenarios. How we help depends on the circumstances.

You want to do what is reasonable to protect patient data and comply with regulations
You can do risk analysis & mitigation to prevent or minimize problems. There is time to plan and prepare for a disaster without the added stress of being in the middle of one. You might be able to shift some of your liabilities to someone else.

Perhaps you think that a breach may have occurred or a HIPAA audit is on the horizon
There is not much time, but there are things you can do to reduce the pain that is coming. All of them have to be done anyway. Doing them now can help spread the costs out over a longer period of time and may help to reduce the financial penalties.
Take our free 10-minute Security Risk Assessment.
What we do
We can help you with all aspects of your Data Risk Management program from risk analysis & mitigation to data breach response & HIPAA audits.
We tailor our services to your needs and budget.
5 Most Common HIPAA Security Violations